7 Things Employers and Employees Really Want to Know
Want to know what drew the attention of our employers and their employees in 2015?
We took a look at our web statistics to create our 2015 list of the “greatest hits” from The Alliance website and online materials.
Here’s what you can learn from the list.
Consumers want savings.
The Find a Doctor. External Link. Opens in new window. website’s tutorial video had 983 views from people interested in learning about health care cost, quality and services (many more visitors used the Find a Doctor site). The most downloaded piece on The Alliance site for consumers was the list of vendors who offer Healthy Living discounts at health clubs and fitness centers; hearing aid centers; nutrition and weight loss organizations; and yoga and karate facilities. It was accessed by 318 users. Our most popular infographic. External Link. Opens in new window. explained ourQualityPath® program, which offers 100 percent coverage* for medical procedure costs to patients who use designated high-quality hospitals and doctors for high-stakes surgeries (*special provisions apply for people enrolled in a health plan with a health savings account).
. External Link. Opens in new window.
Employers want savings, too.
A video. External Link. Opens in new window. about Flambeau’s. External Link. Opens in new window. benefits program had 547 views in 2015. Watch it to find out how Flambeau used value-based benefit design principles to create its onsite clinic and reduce health costs.
Telemedicine matters.
Two of our top five blog posts were about telemedicine. “Ten Things to Know About Telemedicine” and “Eight Key Questions to Consider When Adding Telemedicine to Your Benefit Plan” ranked first and third. Readership for these posts grew when they were shared on social media and the Internet by other organizations, including the BenefitsLink e-newsletter.
People want to manage end-of-life issues.
The blog post that ranked second on our site was “Home Health vs. Palliative Care vs. Hospice, and Who Needs Them,” a guest post from Janet Bollig of Home Health United.
Keeping pace with change is essential.
The remaining two items on our blog’s “top five” list dealt with the future of health care and health benefits. Ranking fourth and fifth were “Millennials, aka ‘Digital Natives,’ are Changing Health Care” and “‘Population Health’ is Much More Than the Absence of
The Affordable Care Act is still top-of-mind.
Among our Alliance Learning Circle presentations, the most downloaded was John Barlament’s presentation on “Snags and Snares: The Hottest Legal and Compliance Issues for 2015.” Among CEO Cheryl DeMars’ On My Mind columns in The Alliance newsletter, the most-read was “Fight the 40” about The Alliance participation in The Alliance to Fight the 40, which aims to repeal the ACA’s 40 percent excise tax on high-cost health plans.
People pay attention to what’s “On My Mind.”
Our newsletter readers like information from the CEO. In addition to the Fight the 40 piece, high numbers of readers clicked on DeMars’ columns on the Overuse of Orthopedic Care; Otis Webb Brawley, the 2015 annual seminar speaker; and My Health Wisconsin, which lets consumers compare theperformance of specific primary care clinics on important measures
of preventive care.
More to Come in 2016
Two topics that are likely to appear on our 2016 “greatest hits” list are the subjects of upcoming Alliance Learning Circles: Workplace Wellness Success on January 21 and Cancer in the Workplace on
March 15.
We’ll also continue to create articles, videos and graphics that offer information about health benefits, health costs, benefit plan design and other issues that matter to self-funded employers. So keep in touch. External Link. Opens in new window., because our “greatest hits” are all about meeting your needs.