Smarter Networks. Serious Savings.
We help self-funded employers design custom provider networks – what we call our Smarter NetworksSM – to save them money by partnering with 39,000+ doctors and healthcare providers across the Midwest. And because we’re never satisfied in our pursuit of improving access to High-Value Healthcare, we’re continuing to expand our provider networks to offer employers even more choice, control, and cost-savings.
Clinic Sites
Medical Doctors & Professional Service Providers
The Comprehensive Network by The Alliance
Our Comprehensive Network is for employers seeking widespread coverage and provider options for their employees. With over 39,000 doctors and healthcare providers in-network, this standard network option minimizes the chances of out-of-network charges against the plan while protecting employees from surprise bills.
Comprehensive Coverage. More Care Choices
When you choose The Comprehensive Network, your employees and their families gain access to our Find a Doctor tool. This transparency tool easily helps employees find and contact an in-network provider near them.
The Comprehensive Network covers more than 91% of Wisconsin and continues to expand throughout the Midwest to provide even more choice and peace of mind against surprise billing.
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The Alliance and Trilogy Health Networks
This option offers self-funded employers seamless coverage with access to both The Alliance and Trilogy Health Networks.
Coverage where it counts
This custom provider network combines our Comprehensive Network and Trilogy Health’s provider network for even more coverage. This is a great option for employers seeking the most provider options for their employees, as it covers more than 91% of Wisconsin.
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Administrative Services Only (ASO) Health Plans with WPS, powered by Auxiant
WPS, powered by Auxiant, works with The Alliance to offer employers Administrative Services Only (ASO) health plans. ASO health plans wrap The Alliance’s Smarter NetworksSM with new coverage to offer employers even more provider options.
ASO health plans from WPS, powered by Auxiant, offer a turnkey solution of more than 25+ Stop-Loss partners, 20+ Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM) services, care management, and healthcare navigation programs.
Additionally, your employees will enjoy excellent customer service from their ASO health plan, including a local first-class center call team, care management to better manage their own health, and a dedicated nurse line to help them navigate the healthcare system.
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The Alliance Premier Networks
The Alliance Premier Networks offer employers the flexibility of a multi-tier benefit plan and is a great way to direct your employees to low-cost, high-value providers without limiting their provider options.
Need More?
Use the tools below to find providers in The Alliance networks, recommend a provider, or contact us with questions regarding our custom provider networks