The Alliance 2024 Annual Meeting


Join us for The Alliance 2024 Annual Meeting to gain insight into the state of the cooperative and access essential reports. Hear from our Board Chair and get an exclusive look from our CEO at what lies ahead as we work to “bend the trend,” by designing affordable healthcare together. Watch On-Demand Schedule of Events: […]

Post Election Health Policy: What Self-Funded Employers Need to Know


THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. Want to know how to prepare your business for what lies ahead in 2025? Join us for an engaging panel discussion focused on proposed health reforms that could impact self-funded employers in the new year. We’ll explore key issues on the legislative calendar that could affect benefit plan […]

Data Analytics Workshops | Making Sense of Your Data

Are you sitting on a wealth of data, but don’t know how to leverage it? What if you could turn that data into one of your company’s most valuable assets? Join us for this hands-on workshop, where we’ll explore how to harness the power of data to transform your self-funded health plan. Learn how to […]

RAND 5.0 Hospital Price Transparency Study: Key Results and Insights

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. Join this session to explore the latest findings from the fifth round of RAND’s Hospital Price Transparency Study – RAND 5.0. Get key insights on hospital pricing and analysis in Wisconsin and Illinois, including comparisons with national rates, variations among hospitals, and the relationship between price and quality […]

2024 Spring Symposium: Transforming Healthcare Together Webcast

THESE SESSIONS ARE AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. If you missed the 2024 Spring Symposium in person, or would like to view the presentation again, register for this webcast to watch the most memorable moments from the live, in-person event! Do you wonder how your business might change if you made targeted adjustments to your self-funded […]

2024 Spring Symposium: Transforming Healthcare Together

Monona Terrace

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. How might your business change if you made targeted adjustments to your self-funded health plan? Join us as we explore what’s possible and uncover actionable steps you can take right now to make a difference. We’ll also reveal innovative solutions for collaborating with providers, communicating benefits, building a […]

Webcast: Innovative Strategies: Improve Employee Well-Being and Contain Healthcare Costs

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. This video is a rebroadcast of a previously recorded session. Please note that some featured individuals may have changed roles or left the mentioned companies since the recording. We recommend independent verification. Thank you for your understanding. Join our Webcast- for this insightful discussion between experienced leaders in […]

Beyond Open Enrollment: Keeping Benefits In Focus Year Round

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. Ever wonder why, despite offering fantastic benefits, employees seem to forget about them after open enrollment? Join us for an enlightening session where we’ll unravel the mystery behind sustaining engagement with your benefit plan. We’ll focus on the mindset shift, effective communication tactics and continuous wellness programs crucial […]

2023 Fall Symposium & Annual Meeting Webcast

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. Ever wonder why, despite offering fantastic benefits, employees seem to forget about them after open enrollment? Join us for an enlightening session where we’ll unravel the mystery behind sustaining engagement with your benefit plan. We’ll focus on the mindset shift, effective communication tactics and continuous wellness programs crucial […]

2023 Fall Symposium & Annual Meeting

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. Healthcare is continuously evolving, leaving employers wondering what’s next. This event will include a keynote presentation discussing the state of the healthcare industry, healthcare cost trends, and its impact on employers and their employees. There will be concurrent breakout sessions on timely healthcare topics that affect employers. The […]

Improve the Value of Healthcare in Wisconsin: Avoid Low-Value Care

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. When patients receive low-value care, meaning care that is not supported by research or is duplicative, they pay more for unnecessary or inadequate care. Not only does low-value care cost patients more money, but it also means higher costs for their self-funded employers. This is a problem because […]

2023 Spring Symposium: Commitment to a Healthy Workforce

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. With rising inflation, high healthcare costs, and a tight labor market, businesses are looking for solutions to keep their employees engaged and increase productivity. In this session, employers will learn how to think differently to create a transformative culture that builds trust, fosters productivity, and retains talent. When […]

Benefit Programs: How to Choose the Right Partners

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. A robust, high-quality health benefit program can give employers an edge in today’s competitive hiring market. Beyond attracting talent, an employer’s benefit program is a significant percentage of their budget, and the foundation of what helps employees, and their families stay healthy and productive. But it isn’t easy […]

Maximizing Motivation for Employee Well-Being

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. Most individuals want to live healthier lives, yet many employees struggle to achieve or sustain healthy habits. This webinar will help identify the factors that can stand in the way of employees achieving their health and well-being goals, and present evidence-based strategies to activate employee motivation for healthy […]

2022 Fall Symposium and Annual Meeting


THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. With a tight labor market and issues with supply and demand, employers are in a crunch to figure out how to manage their budget and keep their people.  This event will include a keynote speaker discussing the current economic climate and its impacts on employers, with recommendations on […]

Webinar: Better Healthcare Data for Better Benefit Decisions

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. Without data, how can employers be good stewards of their healthcare benefits – or fulfill their fiduciary responsibility?  This webinar will cover the healthcare data made available to employers of The Alliance and how best to utilize it.  The event will conclude with a panel of employers and […]

The Obesity Epidemic and Its Impact on the Workplace

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. Obesity doesn’t just influence employees’ waistlines, but also employers’ bottom lines, which is why we want to help employers understand its causes and effects on health – and how their employees and businesses are impacted – and offer best practices and guidance on how to manage this epidemic […]

2022 Spring Symposium: Healthcare Data for Better Decision-Making


THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. In continuing our initiative towards greater transparency in health care, The Alliance is hosted Chris Whaley, policy researcher for RAND Corporation, to discuss the results of the latest-and-greatest RAND Hospital Price Transparency Study. During this hybrid event, employers learned about the importance of data when making decisions about […]

An Employer’s Guide to Avoiding Out-of-Network Charges

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. Out-of-network provider charges can cost your health plan hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra medical fees. Join us for a jam-packed hour to talk about how to protect yourself and your employees from this all-to-common issue by learning: What to look for in your contracts to help […]

Webinar: Health Policy Regulation For Employers

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. Don’t miss this informative session!  Congress and federal regulators have provided more items on your health plan’s “legal to-do” list. Join us for a discussion of critical new legal challenges employers must address for their health plans and prescription drug plans – including many that require immediate attention, before January […]

Virtual Event: The Alliance Fall Symposium & Annual Meeting

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. This virtual event will inform employers on how The Alliance uses Payment Reform – using alternative methods to pay for health care – to rein in health care costs and improve health care safety and efficacy. The current fee-for-service health care system sets us (payers and practitioners alike) […]

Virtual Event: The Alliance 2021 Spring Symposium

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. Employers will be provided proven strategies rooted in data science that will help them develop best practices for making benefit purchasing decisions, and ultimately, a better financial outcome for their organization with more affordable care for employees and their families.  Program Overview:  The keynote speaker for this event will be Dr. Marty Makary, Chief Surgical Oncologist at Johns […]

Employer Webinar: Employee Behavioral Health in a Pandemic 

THIS EVENT IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON-DEMAND. Agenda:  This virtual event by The Alliance will cover strategies employers can use to handle workplace anxiety, offer recommendations on how to provide a positive work environment, and help employers gain a better understanding of employees’ behavioral health during this stressful time. We have a well-rounded panel of content experts […]

Webinar: COVID-19 Vaccination Management for Employers

As the country embarks on a massive effort to vaccinate as many citizens as quickly as possible, employers will play a critical role in this endeavor. Time is of the essence for employers to consider the numerous policy, cultural and communication issues involved in making plans to handle COVID-19 vaccinations within their workforce. Program Overview […]